Ageless Fabulosity!

The Mature Fashionista’s view on COVID-19

For more than two years, I toyed with the idea of blogging – I had this burning desire to share my life experiences on the things I care about the most : my faith in God, my love for fashion, living a healthy lifestyle/ my passion for cooking healthy meals, love for travel and much more. It has taken me this long to pull myself together to get on this journey, don’t know where it will take me but one thing is for sure I am on a mission to share, to inspire and also to learn since I don’t claim to have all the answers so please come on this journey with me, let’s have fun and learn together.

My mission is to inspire women over 50 especially ( even 30s and 40s can learn one or two things about life here ) to look and feel their best, to enjoy every single day of their lives feeling good, confident, dignified, love, grace and peace.

Just because you are 50 or 60 for that matter does not mean you have to look or dress that age. My sense of fashion is ageless; I don’t believe we should define our fashion or wardrobe by our age but rather by what flatters us. I consider myself as having an ageless attitude to and youthful outlook on life generally. My daughters’ friends never believe my age (blushing) which is a blessing. I pride myself as a ‘mature fashionista. ‘

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This blog is meant to be my happy space where I intend to share with you what makes me tick fashion wise and hopefully inspire some people or put a smile on some faces. 

For me, an ageless body is not necessarily a skinny body nor is it having the energy of a horse, or about being able to run or jog 10 miles a day; rather it’s about being comfortable in your body, being yourself and being confident at all times. It’s about living the healthiest version of your life no matter what your issues are, whether physical, mental, lack of money or support, it is still possible to live your best life but you have to be willing to try.

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 Do what you can rather than focusing on what you can’t. I am hoping to connect with other people in the same stage of life as me, to be able to inspire other mid-lifers to live the healthiest version of themselves and to enjoy life no matter what life throws at them.

Talk about life throwing stuff at you…… who would have thought that our lives would be so upended by a mysterious and faceless enemy such as this vicious virus COVID-19?!  Writing a blog post at this time without addressing this pandemic and its effects would simply be ‘ malpractice’. Because of all the chaos, confusion, anxiety and panic , aside from the unfortunate deaths of so many, a lot of us are experiencing what is considered as ‘ cabin fever ‘ which manifests in mood swings, anxiety,  fear, depression etc and we need help finding some balance and even joy in these difficult times. I have put together a few suggestions on de-stressing in these COVID-19 days. Take a look.

Maintaining  the balance

We are all thrown into this all-consuming news cycle- need to stay informed.

Give yourself a break from the news updates for an hour or two each day, read a book, watch a movie especially a comedy, listen to music, do some praise and worship on Youtube, meditate or pray,  you can also work on any hobby you have. 

Tune the world out for some time with any of these activities.

Being Thankful

It is so difficult to see the good that exists amidst our troubles, tribulations, anxieties and fears.

If only all we can say is thank You Lord, that prayer would be enough.

Just sitting down with a piece of paper to write down the things you are thankful and grateful for will calm you down, lessening your stress.

It’s so easy to show gratitude when life is good, but it is during difficult times as these, that gratitude must become a deliberate, active practice  – gratitude to our doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, public transportation personnel, grocery clerks and stockers, everyone on the front-lines of this war, doing everything they can to bring some normalcy into this chaos; some even risking their lives.

Just thinking of their sacrifice everyday will help put things into the right perspective.

If we can slow down and meditate, we might find a great deal of insight and healing going on bringing us to this place of gratitude for what we have instead of frustration and anger at what we don’t have or what we can’t do.

It creates a more positive mindset and gives us a sense of relief and release, when we then share this gratitude with others; it has a ripple effect and positive impact on others in our circle.

Staying Connected

We have to find ways to stay connected and entertained in these uncertain and scary times instead of feeling bored, isolated, overwhelmed, depressed and trapped in our homes.

Most of us love to travel but since all this has been put on hold for now, we need to find creative ways to stay connected to friends and family.

Thanks to technology, tools like Whatsapp video, Facetime, Messenger, social media groups, meditation apps, online yoga and workouts, virtual book clubs and zoom come in handy.

Regular or daily walks around our neighborhoods too help us connect to people without breaking the boundaries of social distancing.

Exercising as a release

Working out is often a great way to de-stress and to keep your immune system in tip-toe shape.

Gyms appear out of bounds for now as high risk places for transmission of the virus.

Basic exercises such as jumping jacks, planks, push-ups, squats, leg lifts or stationary cycling, targeting different areas of the body would get you sweating, get your blood flowing and your endorphins pumped up making you feel better overall.

Your body would thank you for it and you might also sleep better, trust me. Some yoga outfits ( EkhartYoga for example)  are offering free yoga and meditation classes to help people cope with anxiety.

Don’t let your standards slip

Make sure that you look good even while dressing down because you are working from home; still do that in style.

Do not be tempted to walk around the house in your PJs, if you look good you feel good.

No reason not to style your hair, try your best make up, paint your nails, and try some facials while in isolation.

No reason why you cannot dress up on a Friday or Saturday night  looking pretty and treating yourself to a cocktail defining the end of your work, that might actually cheer you up.

Lastly Keeping The Faith

Like I said in my previous post and earlier on in this, my faith plays a huge role in my life and in who I am.

 We all have different views on faith and how it applies to our lives. For me it’s non negotiable. My faith in God is absolutely everything! I let Him lead and I follow! 

No matter what you believe in, now especially is the time to hone in on it and make it a part of your daily life  – pray, meditate, read scripture, whatever it takes to keep you calm and keep stress under control, do it!

No matter which of my suggestions you decide to incorporate in this new reality of ours, please stay well, be safe, make the most of this time reflecting, planning and looking forward to the end of this lock-down with more energy, enthusiasm and zest for life. 

Cherish every moment with your loved ones.

Don’t hesitate or be shy to say simple things like  “ I love you”.

Don’t take anything for granted, life is too short & precious!

Appreciate your checking in, see you next time!

Please don’t forget to leave me a comment.


Stylishly Muah

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